Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What an Eagle's Game Looks Like

It has been too long since I last posted and I apologize! Because now I have too much to say!

Today is Tuesday after Memorial Day.  I got back in the middle of the night from a 2 game road trip to Dayton, Ohio, where we won one and lost one.  Our first game we got scored on in the first three minutes.  However, it became a back and forth battle until we were given a penalty kick in the box which put us up 4-3 to finish the game.  The second game everyone's bodies were pretty exhausted from the first game and the heat, so we came out a little slow.  Dayton was able to score towards the end of the first half. After half time we came back with energy and grit but just could not get the ball in the net, so the game ended with a 1-0 score for Dayton.  I'm so proud of my team and the way that they battled.

The soccer was great this weekend.  However, what makes this organization so unique is before each game we have chapel.  I will give you an entire pre-game regimen.  For 15 minutes we go into a time of quiet prayer.  Girls will pray silently, journal, read their bible, reflect on things they have written, etc.  Then, we go into 15 minutes of praise and worship through song.  Two girls from our team play the guitar and we sing worship songs to our amazing God!  We then hear from a chapel speaker for about 20 minutes.  This is a different person each game from the community and they share a sermon.  We are then given about 20 minutes to get mentally focused for our game, hear from our coach about tactics, and then go out to the field for our warm-up. Isn't that incredible?  We are a semiprofessional team in a very secular league.  Girls from the other team will walk by our locker room and hear their opponents singing along to a guitar. What they must think!! They probably think were a bunch of softies singing around the campfire, braiding each other's hair.  Little do they know that we are leaning into our mighty, awesome God and drawing supernatural strength for the game!  I imagine us preparing for war like so many biblical stories.  I just read in 1 Samuel when God anoints David and continues to give the enemy into David's hands.  David's army enters a battle with God going before and behind them, giving them strength and power.  Obviously a soccer game is slightly different, but what a beautiful way to worship God through soccer!  

At the end of the game we circle up in the middle of the field and ask the other team to join us in prayer.  Whether anyone from the other team decides to join us, it is such a privilege to get to pray over them, when they may not know God at all.  We hope and pray that our actions, the way we play, and the way we have treated them, will reflect the living, loving God and that just by brushing up against this organization, they may get a glimpse of Jesus.  

I feel incredibly privileged to be on this team and a part of this organization.  I haven't gotten playing time on the field, but God is rocking me and challenging me, and I am learning so much more about God and myself.  We have had Sports Ministry Training (SMT) sessions where we have talked about identity, competition, emotion, humility/confidence, unity, and more to come.  I hope to unravel some of these things that I am learning in other posts, but there is just too much to say already!

After the first home game I took some pictures with my roommate Jessie.  She is so great and most of the time we are together we are laughing. Our host mom thinks we're crazy and that only feeds into our laugh attacks more!  

Last week I also got the opportunity to go to NASCAR qualifying for the 600 in Charlotte! We wanted to go to the actual race, but we had an away trip in Ohio for soccer so we just went to the qualifiers.  Here are a few pictures! And of course, I had to buy a Charlotte race track camo hat...

From left to right:
Me, Nana (Host grandma), Jessie (Roommate), McKenzie (Host sister), Margaret Anne (Host mom)

I'm really hoping to blog more often so that I can share more what is going on here.  I love God so much and I'm so thankful for the adventure he has me on.  


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Just The Beginning...

Hello from Charlotte, North Carolina!

It is only Thursday and I cannot believe how much has already happened! It blows me away to think that a week ago I was sitting in the library at Point Loma, cramming for my last final of spring semester.

I'm not sure where to begin.  I have played soccer, met Reba Mcentire (well a life size cut-out of her), shot a gun (at paper plates of course), started a garden, met the owners of almost every store in downtown Waxhaw, and fed baby cows!  I am living with a host family with one other girl, Jessie, who is amazing and we hit it off right away. There was a point where we could not believe how much we had in common that we had a "Step-Brothers" moment:

My host family has been so awesome and have made both Jessie and I feel so at home. 

The team atmosphere is unreal.  The competition is so good and the level of play is really high. I am so excited to grow as a player by playing with all of these amazing girls.  Tonight we broke off into small groups of 5, which we will have for the rest of the summer just to share life with and read the bible together.  For the next few weeks we will have sports ministry training several days, learning many things, like how to use soccer is a tool to further the gospel.  Later in the summer we will be working a few kid soccer camps in the Charlotte area, which is one way to apply the sports ministry training.  Another way we will get to live out the things we are learning is every time we step out on a soccer field!  Our first game is on Saturday night and everything is happening so fast!

I have already learned so much being here. I have already had a horrible practice that brought up all of my insecurities and issues with self criticism.  Yet God was faithful and he brought me back to reality.  He reminded me that I'm not here because of my abilities, but I am here because He loves me, has a plan for me here, and honors the fact that I just love to play soccer.  I have already been in uncomfortable situations, meeting new people and not knowing how deep and open to be.  I have chosen to be open and it has already blessed so many situations and brought about great conversation.  There have already been many moments where I had to pray desperate prayers for strength and for grace for myself.  God has provided every single time. He is so real and so good!!

I'm not sure why God has me here yet.  I am already experiencing fellowship, growing as a player and a child of God.  I think God is shaping me and guiding me towards where he wants me to go with my life. I'm just having such a blast as God unravels this amazing adventure!!!

God loves us so much!!

Jessie and I with the daughter of our host family at her soccer game

So. Much. Green.


I don't even know if I hit the target because I yelped and laughed as soon as I shot it

Feeding the baby cows at Aunt Judy's farm!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

An Introduction - My First Post!!

I am currently a junior at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California, about to finish up my spring semester.  Time is flying!

In 9 days I will be on a plane heading to Charlotte, North Carolina!  This summer I have the amazing opportunity to play for a women’s soccer team called the Charlotte Eagles.  This team is a part of the W-league, a national semi-professional women’s soccer league, which is a secular league with no religious affiliation.  However, the Charlotte Eagles are a Christ based team, providing an experience much more that just playing soccer!  They provide “A season of training for a lifetime of service”. 

To be honest, I have no idea what I am getting myself into!  I know that I will be playing soccer, learning more about God, and working kid’s soccer camps throughout the Charlotte area.  Other than that, I don’t know a lot!  On this blog I will be debriefing my thoughts, memories and what I am learning!  I can’t wait to share this with you all. 

(By “all”, I know at least my mom will be reading this.  Hi Mom! J)

God loves you!


Their 3 minute promo video: http://youtu.be/M6YxdKLxBCs