Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Full Heart and a Hoarse Voice

Hello! Thanks for reading my blog today!!

Last week I worked an Eagle's soccer camp in Knoxville, Tennessee! It was the most incredible week and I have so many memories that I will never forget.  The coaching staff consisted of 4 of us from the Lady Eagles team, 4 guys from the Men's Charlotte Eagles team, 4 interns, and a camp director.  This was the crew on "Jersey Thursday"!!!

All of the boys stayed at one house and the 4 girls stayed just a few minutes away at the mom's parent's house.  The girls had the best of both worlds!  We had the opportunity to get to know both families.  Our host mom, who we called "Queen Elizabeth" was an incredible woman of God and here is a picture with her:

We just had such a fun time all week.  After chasing kids around all day, the girls went back to our house, to nap, shower, snack, lounge around, and best of all talk to Queen Elizabeth about life.  Then we would head over to the guys house for dinner and time for debrief and just fellowship. 

This camp had a mixture of all ages and all levels.  I was placed as coach of the micros, which are 5 and 6 year olds! It was insane. These kids have so much energy, no attention span, and so much personality.  I was really challenged all week and forced to grow in so many ways.  Each day, I was learning something new about what works and what doesn't, how to keep them engaged, how to have patience when things are tough, how to have energy at the end of the day, and just how to love these kids with everything inside of me.  By the end of the week, my voice was completely gone from all of the yelling I was doing!  The micros would stay from 9-12 and the older kids stayed from 9-3.  So after my kids left, my other coach and I would join in with another group and assist until the end of the day.  It was such a blessing to get to interact with two separate groups and know more kids.

Here are some more pics:

This is Luke, me, Ashley and Julia.  Luke and Julia were junior helpers from the community and Ashley was my teammate who I coached Micros with!

My coach name:

A girl from the older group who I LOVED

Coaches on Wacky Wednesday!

Bedhead Tuesday!

The ladies

Since coming back from camp, I have been thinking more about what I should do with my life. AGAIN. Can my brain just cool it for a few days?  It's that age old question, "What am I going to be when I grow up?"  This camp ignited a lot of thoughts and feelings. I've always thought I wanted to coach.  I've always wanted to do something with the youth because I feel such a passion to empower them where they're at.  But in that, I always felt that my strengths were connecting to older kids... Yet this week God had placed me with the youngest of the camp.  Not only that, but there were 26 of them! The biggest group of the camp.  It was challenging and overwhelming.  Our snack time talks consisted of stories about ice cream and kids needing help opening up their wrappers.  The older kids spent their lunch time talking about the bible.  I was a little jealous because I desire to talk and connect with kids and being with the youngest group, that's not really part of the gig.  These young kids stole my heart and I loved them.  But I couldn't help but wonder, why had God put me in this group?

This Sunday at church, right after getting back from Knoxville, the topic was on knowing God's will for your life.  Oh man, I was so excited when the pastor started talking.  I thought, "Yes! Maybe I'll walk out of here finally knowing exactly which path to take".

Ha. Haha.

That's funny. Instead, I was so convicted.  I have made God's will for his creation all about me!  I have been so caught up in how as an individual I will contribute to his Kingdom, and have taken very little time to just step back and evaluate my motives.  What if it is not what you are doing but why you are doing it? What if the pressure was off to choose the exact route that God had for us, but rather that we had the choice?

1 Corinthians 10:31 
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Whatever you do. Whatever you do.  Hmm...

I think about all of the things I am interested in doing and feel like I could do... physical therapy, nursing, teaching, coaching, ministry, the list goes on. I can think of ways that each of those professions are good things... So how do I choose? Do I choose what I enjoy? Which do I feel like I can glorify God the MOST and enjoy doing it?

I went into camp thinking that maybe God would reveal gifts in coaching.  When I was put with the micros, I was a little nervous if I could do it when I felt more prepared to be with older kids.  But you know what?  God equipped me.  I was not necessarily in my "element" and my voice was shot by Wednesday (seriously, 2 days in I was struggling). All in all I did a fine job!

So when I look now on my option of coaching, yes, coaching can be an awesome way to glorify God. I know, that with the right intentions, God will equip whichever route I choose. But after how I felt on Friday, when I couldn't speak and I was struggling to even keep my eyes open, I think I am safe to make the decision that coaching 5 year-olds is not what I will do for the rest of my life. It was awesome. Those kids blessed me and there were some kids that I will probably remember for the rest of my life. Coaching may still be in my horizon, but now the horizon looks a little less blurry...

I guess I'm in a season of trial and error.  Well, it's less error and more just learning, growing, and finding out how to LOVE God and others in whatever I am doing.  After this week, my heart is SO full of sweet memories and precious smiles, but my voice is still recovering:)

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I love you!!!


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